How To Engage With Us

There are four ways to do this.

DONATE: Our lifeblood is the donations we receive from individual members of the public and businesses. We could not exist without these. Every contribution helps us to achieve our mission.

REFER:  Ruksak operates a referral system. We cannot help anyone if they do not have a referral from a professional, or another person with social, pastoral or health responsibilities for others. If you do know a person who needs help, then you must be that ‘professional’ person, or you need to contact a professional person who can then make that referral to us.

VOLUNTEER: Please support us by volunteering. We cannot do all this wonderful work without the dedicated support of our volunteers. However, as demand grows, so does the demand on our volunteers.

VISIT OUR SHOP AND CAFÉ: The Friendship Café and Ruksak Plus Charity Shop are open to the public, so why not come and find out in person what we are all about?

Find out more about donating

Find out more about referring

Find out even more about the importance of volunteering

Find out more about Ruksak Plus and the Friendship Café